Creative Crash


This blog is geared toward my creative colleagues both in the wedding industry and in other creative industries.  Something that has plagued me ever since I can remember is the “blocks” in creativity, whether that be as I’m trying to write a script, edit a film or even just think through a concept.  I always tried to push through them, sometimes sitting at my screen staring for hours and still never getting anything done.  Something that I have discovered (that was really always there) that has changed this in so many ways is the importance of sleep.  Sleep is one of the primary ways we can begin good self-care habits.  I know that personally, I used to get 5-6 hours of sleep each night, almost every night.  Some nights were a bit more but the regular amount was 5-6. 


Sleep isn’t just about shutting down but it is important for restoration and strengthening both the mind and body. 

 The National Sleep Foundation recommends an average adult to sleep 7-9 hours each night.  It also specifies that you cannot “make up” for lack of sleep, but instead have to make good sleep habits a pattern.  Over the past year, I have challenged myself to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.  Often times this means shutting the computer down on an edit I want to keep working on, but when I go back to it the next day my mind and body are recharged and my work is much more effective and efficient.  So many of us think that staying up until all hours of the night is necessary because otherwise, we won’t get things done.  I would argue that by maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, we can get more done in less time with greater results.  Give it a try and I think you’ll be amazed!  


Why I Shoot Wedding Films Solo

Photo Credit: Molly Weir Photography

Photo Credit: Molly Weir Photography

Often people ask me why I am primarily a solo wedding cinematographer and I wanted to give a few reasons why.  

Small Footprint

I want a wedding to be focused on the couple and not on the "production" behind it.  By shooting solo and maintaining a small footprint with the gear I bring, it allows me to be relatively unnoticed throughout the day.  One of the best comments I've received is when a couple remarks that they barely noticed I was there!  

Consistent Footage

Even with the most experienced 2nd shooter, there will always be differences in styles between two people.  When watching back a film, cohesion is one of the things that can tie it all together.  In rare circumstances a 2nd may be needed for some additional coverage, but on most typical days it will only provide more of the same footage that doesn't always match as well to the lead cinematographer's style.

Overall Client Experience

I don't want my clients to simply have a team come shoot their wedding, I want them to know that I personally will be shooting their wedding.  As we talk and get to know each other, a certain level of trust is developed.  A wedding is not your average type of event, it is not only one of the most important events for these two people and their families but also a very intimate time.  Making sure that I am there personally to shoot every piece of footage that goes into their film is something that I care deeply about.

These are just a few of the reasons I prefer to shoot wedding films solo.  I have the honor of speaking on this very topic at the 2018 WPPI Conference this February in Las Vegas!  Very excited to be speaking on a topic I am very passionate about! 

SPECIAL NOTE:  This post is in no way meant to discount other studios or cinematographers who work with teams but this is simply some of the reasons I love what I do and why I do!  Thanks for reading!

2017 Year in Review!

What an incredible year!  From the first wedding in Nashville, Tennessee to the final wedding in Greenville, South Carolina and everywhere in between!  I had the privilege of filming some incredible stories this year and I thank every couple who trusted me with their wedding film!  Traveling to Boston, New York, Georgia, North Dakota, Mississipi, Alabama, South Carolina and of course Tennessee, 2017 was a year to remember!  Check out a short recap video below!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Photographers: 4 Reasons you WANT a Videographer shooting a wedding with you

I know this topic can be a contentious one in the wedding vendor circles, but I’m hoping I can explore some points I’ve observed during my time as a wedding videographer. These rules will not apply to everyone, but if you have a professional experienced videographer who wants to be a part of a creative team for the couple and do a great job, these are some of the benefits you can expect.

Photo Credit: Caley Newberry Photography

Photo Credit: Caley Newberry Photography


As a photographer you no doubt have incredible poses. Sometimes, however, because video requires movement the videographer may suggest poses or scenarios that allow you to capture things you may not have considered. Also just having another creative mind as part of the conversation and process is invaluable.

Creativity indeed breeds creativity and I’ve seen this in action at nearly every wedding I’ve shot. 


With a videographer the client gets more. I would never recommend a client not have a photographer. Each medium is so different and provides the client with unique views of their day.

Still photography beautifully captures those frozen moments in time. Video captures action within those moments. And with audio can give life to the beautifully captured images. Both are important to telling the full story.

Photo Credit: Real Teel Photography

Photo Credit: Real Teel Photography


Most professional videographers use off camera constant light during dark times of the wedding, such as the dance floor during the reception.  And I'm not talking about the horrible daylight balanced massive LED panels, but professional, color temperature adjustable lights!  Many of the photographers I’ve worked with really love when I set these up, not only because it gives them more creative ways to use (or not use) their off camera flash, but simply allows them to better focus their images.


With a videographer as part of the team you have more fun. Seriously!  I ALWAYS enjoy hanging out with every photographer I work with!  By the end of the day I often know how their season is going, their kid’s names (or cats name in some cases), their best and worst wedding story, etc.  If I was the only person on a creative team at a wedding and there was no photographer, it would make the day much less enjoyable!

These are just a few reasons that you, as a photographer, may want to consider having a professional videographer at every wedding you shoot!